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Louis DeTitto Leadership books

Being the best leader that you can be means that you should strive to keep learning. One good way to better yourself as a leader is to read leadership books that can give you new information. Some of these books will directly talk about leadership techniques and others might help you to develop in certain ways that will be beneficial to your role as a leader. Take a look at the following go-to leadership books that you should read this year.

Perfectly Confident by Don Moore

Don Moore is a Berkeley psychologist who has been researching the subject of confidence for years. This book is going to be excellent if you’re looking to strike the balance between being confident in your skills and being overly confident. There is a lot of interesting data in this book and you can use it to help develop a strong sense of confidence in yourself.

Life Is in the Transitions by Bruce Feiler

Have you ever experienced a major transition period in your life? These periods of change often help people move toward new chapters in their lives. This book explores the topic of change and showcases how it should be viewed as an opportunity. Change might sometimes be scary due to uncertainty but it can be used to your advantage.

You’re Not Listening by Kate Murphy

Do you sometimes have a problem listening to others? Many people have issues when it comes to listening and they might find that this can get them in trouble in certain situations. This book can help you to become a better listener and it’s also filled with humor. You’ll find this to be an enjoyable read and you’ll get a lot out of it too.

What’s Your Problem? by Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg

Solving problems is at the core of your role as a leader. If you can learn to develop better problem-solving skills, then you’ll have an easier time doing your job. This book explores a specific framework that you can use to solve problems and it can make you a more insightful person. It’s a great book that has a lot of interesting ideas that will be of use to you.

Upstream by Dan Heath

Finally, take a look at this book by Dan Heath that is about helping you to prevent problems before they happen. This book contains many useful ideas that will help you to approach your daily responsibilities in new ways. It’s well written and it just might help you to keep things sailing smoothly when it comes to your leadership role.