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According to a survey, about half of America’s workers are stressed out. The percentage of people who are stressed out at least 60 percent of the time has been rising. Stress can have various health consequences, such as increasing the risk of getting sick or developing metabolic syndrome. 

Although it’s common for people to feel stressed out at work, it’s only sometimes possible to find a low-stress job. Various strategies can help people manage their stress at work. Some of these include adopting a positive morning routine, setting clear goals, and using time management techniques.

Make A Ritual Before Work

Most people wake up to find themselves stressed after getting the kids fed and off to school, fighting traffic, and eating coffee instead of a healthy meal. This can make them more reactive to the stress in the office. When you have a stressful morning, you might need to realize how much your job affects you. A positive attitude, planning, and good nutrition can help you start the day positively.

Set Clear Expectations

Undefined expectations are also contributing factors to job burnout. If you don’t know what’s expected of you, you might get stressed out if your role’s requirements keep changing with little notice.  Having a clear understanding of what’s expected of you can help both of you feel more comfortable.

Avoid Conflict

Being involved in the conflict can affect your emotional and physical health. Avoiding it at work is essential as it can be hard to avoid conflict among colleagues. If you cannot avoid conflict at work, try to avoid people who don’t work well with others. If it does find you, ensure you’re handling it properly.

Stay Organized 

If you’re a naturally disorganized individual, having a plan ahead of time can help decrease stress at work. A clear understanding of what’s expected of you can help keep you focused on the tasks and avoid getting rushed. Being organized can also help you be more efficient at work. Having a plan ahead of time can help keep you focused on the tasks at hand and avoid getting rushed.

Make Your Work Environment Comfortable 

One of the most surprising factors affecting a person’s stress at work is their physical discomfort. This is usually related to the tasks that they perform at their desk. If you’re constantly sitting in an uncomfortable chair, you might not notice that you’re stressed out, but you might be more reactive to it due to how it affects your back.

Noise in the office can also contribute to a person’s stress levels. It can make them feel like they’re not being appropriately supported. Having a quiet and comfortable environment can help decrease stress.