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Common Ways Employees Compromise Security

When people consider threats to security, they usually imagine hackers and cybercriminals getting into systems from outside. However, the issue can stem from employees. It could be intentional, or the employees may not be trained properly. Your business may not have...

High Profile Company Data Breaches of 2022

There have been many recent cybersecurity attacks on industries such as healthcare, government, energy, finance, and manufacturing. With the evolution of technology, cybercrime is projected to cost as much as $10.5 trillion by 2024, and businesses have become more...

Acting as an Ethical Leader

There is a difference between people who are the boss and those who lead. Leaders set an example, get involved, inspire, and nurture their teams so that they learn and do their jobs to the best of their ability. Leadership takes more than handing out orders; leaders...

Finding a Cybersecurity Solution for Your Business

One of the most important tasks of business owners is making sure that they have cybersecurity that can neutralize any threats. There are a lot of options out there, so it is important to narrow down what you are looking for. Take a look at the following factors to...

Can Work Friendships Be Good for Business?

It is always positive when employees get along well, but some businesses wonder if it can be better if they actually become friends. In fact, studies have shown that there are benefits for both employees and businesses when people have close friends at work. How Work...